Calvary Outreach Ministries

Bible Commentaries

In 2009 I was instructed by the Lord to write Bible Commentaries beginning with the epistles of the Apostle Paul. Having received this instruction from the Lord, I assumed that with almost fifty years of seeking God and studying his word, God now wanted me to give the insight that I had gained. But as I endeavored to prayerfully go verse by verse through the epistles, I began to see things that I had never seen before. At times the glory of what I saw overwhelmed me.

Today I realize that what God instructed me to do was as much for my own understanding as it was for those who read these commentaries. I ask the reader to prayerfully consider the words that I have written. Many of the things you will read may be different than anything you have ever heard before. We have not sought to prove the doctrines of the modern church, but rather seek to see what it was that these first apostles saw and preached that “turned the world upside-down” for Christ. All Behold the Lamb Books and Bible Commentaries are offered without charge to those who have a sincere desire to understand the word of God. I invite you to download these commentaries through the links provided below or order your own printed copy through the order form on this page.

May God Richly Bless You,
Leroy Surface

Ascending order

The Foundation

A verse by verse commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Romans
This Expanded Edition builds upon the original The Foundation commentary, but goes into much greater detail concerning the gospel Paul received by revelation of Jesus Christ. In this commentary you will be taken with the apostle Paul as he shows us how the whole world was put on trial and found guilty before God. Then you will hear the decree of the divine court declaring that God's justice demands, not damnation, but redemption. You will see the difference between justification by faith and justification by grace. One being a righteousness we offer God through believing the gospel. The other is the righteousness that God gives unto us through Jesus Christ that completely transforms us from being sinners into being children of God. Paul then shows in clear language how the cross of Christ crucified our old man of sin and destroyed sin’s power and presence in our lives. In chapter seven we find out why those who seek to serve God through fleshly means end up doing the evil that they do not want to do, but more importantly you will see how we are delivered from that struggle though the law of Spirit and life in Christ Jesus. Paul then builds on that deliverance from sin and its struggles to take us into the Spirit filled walk with God in glorious liberty and victory.

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  • Author Leroy Surface

The Christ

A verse by verse commentary on the epistle of I John
Over 500 years before Calvary, the angel Gabriel told Daniel that one called the “Christ” would come to “finish the transgression, make an end of sin, make reconciliation for iniquity, and bring in everlasting righteousness.” In this verse by verse commentary on I John, the author Leroy Surface takes you through John's eyewitness testimony that Jesus is the Christ of prophecy, which culminates in John's absolute declaration that “Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” John defines in great detail the qualities of those who are “born of God.” You will see that John lays out in simple terms how you can know the difference between light and darkness and discern the truth from the lie. The apostle also gives several simple tests to distinguish between the Spirit of Christ and the spirit of antichrist in order that we can know the difference between the children of God and the children of the wicked one.

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  • Author Leroy Surface

The Yoke of Bondage

A verse by verse commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians
What was the purpose of the Law of Moses, and why was it given? Was it ever God’s plan of salvation? In this verse by verse commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians by Leroy Surface, you will see how Paul gives simple straightforward answers to these questions. He leaves no doubt that the pursuit of completion through religious law always ends up in the depraved works of the flesh. In a time that so many in the Church are infatuated with the rituals, ceremonialism, and ordinance of the Law, this commentary reminds us that such a path brings no one closer to Christ, but instead causes them to fall from his grace.

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  • Author Leroy Surface

The Habitation

A verse by verse commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians
Have you ever seen a church that was the fullness of Jesus Christ? Neither have I. Yet that is exactly what the apostle Paul tells us the Church of Jesus Christ is. In this verse by verse commentary on Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians by Leroy Surface, you will be taken from pinnacle to pinnacle with the apostle Paul as he reveals all that God did through Christ so that he would have a people whose very existence would “be to the praise of his glory.” This apostle was part of such a church, and his words remind us that what God has purposed for his people is far beyond what most have ever seen.

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  • Author Leroy Surface

The Habitation - Ephesians Bible Commentary Audio Version

We are happy to offer The Habitation Ephesians Bible Commentary Audio Version. This Audio Version is divided into a Forward, Twelve Sections, and a Conclusion. Just click on the links provided below in order to download and listen to this verse by verse commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians.

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  • Author Leroy Surface

El Fundamento

Un comentario verso por verso de los primeros once capítulos de Romanos

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  • Author Leroy Surface

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