Calvary Outreach Ministries

Calvary Outreach Music Ministry

"As with any spiritual ministry, ministers in music can only give what they receive from the Lord. If we minister based on our talent, we are nothing more than performers. Only if the Spirit of God is presently working within us are we true ministers of Christ." Pastor Keith Surface

Calvary Outreach Music Ministers

We invite you to listen to the worship, praise, and revival songs provided on this page. These songs are not studio recordings, but are taken from the worship services at Calvary Outreach Church. Many of the songs made available on this page are original songs written by Calvary Outreach music ministers, and are filled with the simple message of the gospel of Christ. Click the download link below each song to listen to the song of your choice. You can also download lyrics to each of these songs by clicking on LYRICS at the bottom right of each song listing.

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